Hamilton Ontario – About Us

About Us

Our Vision
CLC Hamilton believes that all people deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential as individuals both in the workplace and in social environments by enhancing their leadership and communication skills, as well as their confidence, through the Christopher Leadership Course (CLC).

Our Purpose
Through our courses, CLC Hamilton’s goal is to:

  • Help people develop effective communication skills by encouraging them to express their ideas and feelings
  • Help people listen to and hear the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Help individuals develop and realize their own unique talents by providing them with the opportunity and assistance to build key skills and self-confidence
  • Encourage individuals to develop their leadership skills by promoting and supporting the well-being of self and others through a spirit of respect, understanding, cooperation, and mutual support.

Our History
The first Christopher Leadership Course in Canada was held in Windsor, Ontario in 1953. Courses have been offered continuously since that date, and have spread across the country from Vancouver Island to Cape Breton. CLC courses are currently offered in six provinces from coast to coast. Each year, more than 1,000 Canadians join the ranks of CLC’s successful graduates. For a list of our CLC locations in Canada, US, Korea and China please click here.

Our Instructors
CLC courses are taught by dedicated teams of qualified volunteers who have themselves benefited from taking the course and undertaken to pass on to others the skills that they received. CLC course instructors additionally benefit from more advanced on-going training. This important feature — that all CLC instructors are graduates of the program — makes possible programs which are sensitive in their approach, time-proven in their effectiveness and yet affordable. As a non-profit educational organization the fee is only for the cost of materials and administration.

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